High 5's at School

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 by George Penny
St. Christopher's School in Bahrain has just celebrated its 50 year anniversary and is considered to be one of the leading international schools globally (a couple of years ago it was voted into the top 8 global schools by the Guardian).
The school operates on 2 different sites and Bradley visited the Infant and Junior School located in Saar as part of his Middle East tour where he addressed approx 300 children (out of a total 2,100 at the school) comprising over 50 different nationalities and 30 teachers.
The children are all in Years 5 and 6 (aged between 9 and 11). Bradley was introduced by Mrs Woods, Assistant Head, and was interviewed by Stevie George, a local DJ and self-confessed motorcycle fanatic.
Bradley was asked to confirm his earlier successes that have led to his latest exciting opportunities and was then asked about safety, health and fitness, the importance of hard work and resilience before being questioned by the children.
He was asked (among other questions):
Have you ever fallen off?
Do you ride a motorbike regularly on the roads?
Do you ever do motorbike tricks (on and off the track)?
How much does your bike cost?
Why do you have the number 38?
The management and teachers of the school were particularly impressed with the messages that Bradley left with the school children, frequently making analogies between his motorbike experiences and challenges and those the children may face in school.
Several referred to Bradley as being an "inspiration" and a "wonderful role-model". Needless to say, some of the children had to be encouraged back to class! One of their favourite moments was when Bradley turned on the bike and revved the engine! However, they also loved being able to pose for pictures with him and his bike while later exchanging high 5's with the man himself!
However, the best question was saved for the end... "when can he come back"? And that was from the teachers, although this definitely echoed the wishes of the children!!!